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The materials displayed on this web site, including but not limited to all text, audio, video, images, photographs, illustrations, artwork, animation files and other graphics, names, logos, trademarks and service marks, are the property of FlowMax DPF, its clients, contributors, parent or affiliated companies or its licensors, and are protected by copyright, trademark and other intellectual property laws. FlowMax DPF does not claim to hold any property rights over the later items should they already be held by another party ( ie: Third party product logos). This site may be displayed, downloaded and/or printed solely for the purpose of accessing FlowMax DPF services and products for private use. Compliance with the later is held only if the user will not delete or modify any copyright, trademark or other proprietary notices.  Any other use of the material and information on this site without the prior written consent of FlowMax DPF is strictly prohibited and in breach of international and local Copyright Laws.


NOTE: Through The Berne Convention Implementation Act of 1989, the requirement to post notice of Copyright was removed and Copyright by default is always implicitly in place even without notice.  All FlowMax DPF content, text, and materials, before or after the posting of this notice have always been implicitly covered by International Copyright.


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